economic woe 22.12   That amplified economic woes.
  financial woe 10.73   What caused these financial woes?
  current woe 2.50   Veyrat blamed the banks for his current woes.
  legal woe 2.04   It also deepens his legal woes.
  offensive woe 1.71   The offensive woes run deep.
  asian woe 1.25   But Europe too is starting to feel the impact of the Asian woes.
  recent woe 1.18   The numbers tell the story of their recent woes.
  shooting woe 1.12   But the problems go deeper than shooting woes.
  marital woe 1.05   They are experts in marital woe.
  similar woe 1.05   Other firms face similar woes.
  deepening woe 0.79   The riots were the latest in a series over deepening economic woes.
  political woe 0.79   Voter apathy prompts France to focus on political woes.
  putting woe 0.72   The putting woes of Duval and Webb did not last long.
  domestic woe 0.66   Leaders find temporary respite from domestic woes at summit.
  regional woe 0.66   To complete regional woe, the Thai baht and Philippine peso were also lower.
  medical woe 0.59   What medical woes await Atlanta?
  global woe 0.53   Compaq Computer this week became the latest company to blame its poor showing on global economic woes.
  defensive woe 0.39   The defensive woes are nothing new.
  environmental woe 0.39   Now, as environmental woes ignite a search for new resources, interest in hemp is re-emerging.
  fiscal woe 0.39   Ever since the bill, Cellucci has held the delegation responsible for fiscal woes in Boston.
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