available within 5.92   Delivery available within its area.
  located within 3.42   The mountain is located within a national park.
  possible within 3.36   Death possible within hours.
  ready within 2.76   Results could be ready within days.
  deep within 2.44   But somewhere deep within him lurks a killer.
  resolved within 2.37   The problem was resolved within hours.
  due within 1.91   High tide is due within an hour.
  operational within 1.71   It expects that to be operational within a year.
  public within 1.51   The project will be made public within months, he said.
  born within 1.38   Two children were born within years.
  complete within 1.32   Construction should be complete within a year.
  dead within 1.32   Judge would be dead within the hour.
  likely within 1.32   A decision is likely within days of the hearing.
  accurate within 1.18   The results are also accurate to within four-tenths of an inch.
  well within 1.12   I think he would have been well within his rights to go crazy.
  profitable within 0.99   He has promised that Pax will be profitable within four months.
  even within 0.86   So even within their own walls, privacy is an issue.
  controversial within 0.79   The deal was controversial within the union from the beginning.
  evident within 0.79   That outperformance-gap is also evident within large caps.
  fatal within 0.79   It is usually fatal within two weeks.
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