get wind 8.43   Somehow, Lauck got wind of it.
  damaging wind 3.95   Hail and damaging winds are possible.
  knock wind 3.49   Knocked the wind out of her.
  catch wind 2.70   We caught the wind.
  have wind 2.44   We had the wind.
  take wind 2.44   It took the wind out of my sails.
  bring wind 1.91   That really brings the wind into play.
  produce wind 1.91   The storm may produce damaging winds.
  shift wind 1.65   Swirling, shifting winds made that difficult at Highland Meadows Golf Club.
  expect wind 1.58   Even stronger wind is expected Monday.
  feel wind 1.58   I feel the wind.
  gust wind 1.45   Gusting winds had grounded fire-fighting planes and fanned flames on Saturday.
  forecast wind 1.38   In addition, strong winds are forecast for Friday.
  say wind 1.32   Can you say howling wind in the hair?
  damage wind 1.25   Damaging winds, hail and tornadoes are possible.
  hear wind 1.05   I hear the wind.
  block wind 0.99   It blocks winds that bring in clouds and humid air.
  break wind 0.99   I want to break wind.
  cause wind 0.99   This warming sets the air into motion, causing winds to increase.
  use wind 0.99   Wind can be used to generate electricity.
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