blow whistle 23.83   Blow the whistle on failure.
  hear whistle 1.91   No one heard the whistle.
  draw whistle 0.59   Last year, Richmond likely would have drawn a whistle.
  use whistle 0.53   Like Carril, Carmody does not use a whistle at practice.
  have whistle 0.33   All had whistles.
  swallow whistle 0.33   Please, swallow the whistle.
  wet whistle 0.33   That said there are still plenty of places to wet your whistle.
  get whistle 0.26   Our guy gets his hand on the puck and should have gotten a whistle, not give them a goal.
  keep whistle 0.26   Reportedly, referees have been reminded to keep their whistles at the ready.
  put whistle 0.26   Australian referee Wayne Erickson put the whistle to his lips.
  shrill whistle 0.26   A din of honking horns and shrilling whistles filled the city.
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