dollar weigh 2.11   A weaker dollar also weighed on bonds.
  official weigh 2.11   Peruvian officials weigh rebel acceptance of talks.
  administration weigh 1.78   The Bush administration is weighing its options.
  investor weigh 1.58   In Germany, investors also weighed the outcome of the European Union summit in Amsterdam.
  rate weigh 1.51   Lower rates often weigh on the dollar by making U.S. deposits less attractive.
  government weigh 1.45   Dutch government weighs U.S. request for frigate in Gulf.
  stock weigh 1.45   Rising stocks may weigh on bonds, Seki added.
  company weigh 1.18   Pinho says that oil companies constantly weigh risk versus investment.
  concern weigh 1.18   But money concerns weigh on their mind.
  factor weigh 1.12   Two factors weigh against the dollar.
  report weigh 1.05   The jobs report weighed on U.S. stocks as well.
  judge weigh 0.99   A judge will also weigh which side will suffer irreparable harm.
  price weigh 0.99   Surging share prices also weighed on bonds.
  prosecutor weigh 0.92   Prosecutors are weighing whether or not to take action.
  issue weigh 0.86   These issues weigh heavily here.
  yield weigh 0.86   Higher overseas yields weighed on bonds even as Tokyo stocks sank.
  leader weigh 0.79   As leaders weigh how to handle an energy windfall, Bangladesh remains dark.
  yen weigh 0.79   A weakened Japanese yen also weighed on the currency.
  authority weigh 0.59   Meanwhile, Mexican authorities still are weighing whether to approve the sale there.
  commission weigh 0.59   The commission must obviously weigh the needs of energy consumers.
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