spend weekend 35.02   A great way to spend a weekend.
  take weekend 3.88   Took my weekends.
  enter weekend 3.03   Madrid entered the weekend in sixth place.
  have weekend 2.04   So I always had the weekends.
  follow weekend 1.65   The incidents followed a weekend of unrest.
  have_off weekend 1.45   I have my weekends off.
  plan weekend 1.25   Then she would plan weekends.
  meet weekend 1.18   Campaign officials plan to meet this weekend to plot where he will go afterward.
  include weekend 1.05   She also has won two non-tour events, including last weekend in Japan.
  visit weekend 0.99   Her brother lives with them in Florida, and she visits each weekend.
  enjoy weekend 0.79   We enjoyed a weekend of music, dance, and theater.
  attend weekend 0.66   Woods said his parents do not plan to attend this weekend.
  lose weekend 0.66   Lost weekend?
  win weekend 0.66   She won a weekend in Cancun.
  avoid weekend 0.53   If you want to float the Upper Salt, try to avoid weekends.
  begin weekend 0.53   So begins his weekend in hell.
  devote weekend 0.53   A later weekend was devoted to it.
  open weekend 0.53   Restaurants seemingly open one weekend and close the next.
  start weekend 0.53   That left Woods in his best position ever at the Players Championship starting a weekend.
  cap weekend 0.46   The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.
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