muscle weakness 2.90   Part of his muscle weakness is disuse.
  dollar weakness 2.63   Bonds fell, also brought down by the dollar weakness.
  market weakness 2.24   The market weakness diminished demand for dollars.
  yen weakness 1.71   Yen weakness was also visible elsewhere.
  currency weakness 1.18   Regional currency weakness also caused a spillover effect.
  security weakness 0.92   Security weaknesses would invite terrorism.
  price weakness 0.53   The recent price weakness represents a buying opportunity, he said.
  spillover weakness 0.53   Lately, spillover weakness from the Rupiah has been draining.
  profit weakness 0.46   Traders blamed the selling on rumors of fresh profit weakness in the chip and computer sectors.
  euro weakness 0.39   But heavy declines in US stocks helped temper euro weakness, he said.
  mark weakness 0.39   The dollar also was helped by mark weakness against the British pound.
  earnings weakness 0.33   Investors are punishing companies that demonstrate any evidence of earnings weakness.
  government weakness 0.33   Opposition spokesmen are expected not to miss any oppertunity to expose government weakness in those areas.
  heart weakness 0.33   If not attended it results in heart weakness and death.
  season weakness 0.33   The front five clearly have been the biggest weakness this season.
  bond weakness 0.26   Gilts were weighed down by bond weakness throughout the world.
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