dollar weaken 11.39   The dollar weakened.
  economy weaken 8.49   As the economy weakens, joblessness has increased.
  peso weaken 6.85   And the peso weakened anew.
  yen weaken 6.06   The yen weakens further.
  currency weaken 5.07   The currency weakened dramatically.
  price weaken 3.42   Now, crop prices have weakened.
  storm weaken 2.63   The storm itself was weakening.
  demand weaken 2.30   Consumer loan demand weakened.
  market weaken 1.91   Asian markets have weakened steadily since October.
  stock weaken 1.65   Aviation stocks also weakened.
  sale weaken 1.25   Auto sales are weakening too.
  mark weaken 1.18   Analysts expect the mark to weaken further.
  rate weaken 1.12   Lower rates often weakens a currency.
  defection weaken 1.05   The mass defections weakened the movement far more than years of civil war had ever done.
  franc weaken 1.05   The franc weakened a tad on Wednesday.
  bill weaken 0.99   The bill also would weaken enforcement of CRA.
  future weaken 0.99   Corn and oat futures also weakened.
  system weaken 0.99   This system is weakening and moving slowly to the west.
  pressure weaken 0.92   This high pressure is weakening and is pulling away from the tropics.
  scandal weaken 0.92   The scandal also weakened the Japanese stock market.
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