industry watcher 14.22   Industry watchers agree.
  market watcher 13.82   Many market watchers say yes.
  poll watcher 3.03   The poll watchers check us off their lists, watch us enter one by one.
  television watcher 1.32   Television watcher.
  debate watcher 0.86   Two instant network polls of debate watchers rated the final match about even.
  medium watcher 0.86   Still, some media watchers are unimpressed.
  parade watcher 0.79   Some parade watchers found this irksome.
  sky watcher 0.79   July can be a tough month for sky watchers.
  weather watcher 0.72   July was an unusual month for weather watchers.
  whale watcher 0.72   Whale watchers approach a gray whale in the San Ignacio Lagoon.
  trial watcher 0.66   Trial watchers can expect fewer sideshows.
  trend watcher 0.53   Other trend watchers agree.
  court watcher 0.46   So far, court watchers think Microsoft is getting the worst of it.
  currency watcher 0.46   Currency watchers believe the IMF money will improve sentiment for both the peso and the stock market.
  eclipse watcher 0.46   Also contains voxpops from eclipse watchers.
  weight watcher 0.46   Weight watchers?
  bank watcher 0.39   Bank watchers say granting mortgages to people who would not qualify for a conventional loan can be a double-edged sword.
  company watcher 0.39   Some company watchers said it was the first outward sign that the company was ailing.
  cult watcher 0.33   Cult watchers have warned that cult members might head to Israel on orders from their leader, Monte Kim Miller.
  palace watcher 0.33   Palace watcher Nigel Blundel predicted that she will now fade into obscurity.
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