nuclear waste 47.93   First sludge, now nuclear waste.
  radioactive waste 23.90   Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.
  toxic waste 23.17   -- Toxic waste dumps.
  human waste 7.70   Human waste smeared walls.
  industrial waste 7.37 slurry and industrial waste.
  solid waste 5.20   Solid waste gets incinerated.
  low-level waste 4.08   They say it would be only low-level waste.
  high-level waste 3.69   High-level nuclear waste is already shipped in the country.
  animal waste 3.55   Bacteria break down the animal waste to form methane gas.
  liquid waste 2.96   That will produce liquid waste.
  chemical waste 2.83   The streets run black with chemical wastes.
  dumping waste 2.17   Ivorian authorities are currently trying to identify another site for dumping waste.
  medical waste 2.11   Other medical waste was found on the lawn.
  organic waste 2.11   Bacteria act on organic waste.
  household waste 1.84   How much of our household waste is recycled?
  reprocessed waste 1.84   Merkel said no date had been set for the first consignment of reprocessed waste to be sent back to Germany.
  dangerous waste 1.65   Police and nuclear safety officials found no leaks of dangerous waste.
  total waste 1.65   A total waste of time.
  atomic waste 1.45   Geno Griego puts metals through tests of the effects of atomic waste.
  complete waste 1.45   A complete waste of an hour!
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