situation warrant 2.17   This strange situation certainly warrants an investigation.
  evidence warrant 1.97   The evidence may not warrant one.
  condition warrant 1.71   The price cap can be changed if conditions warrant it.
  arrest warrant 1.32   Blackstock argues even a drunk-driving arrest could warrant a private reprimand.
  circumstance warrant 0.92   And would do it again if circumstances warranted.
  case warrant 0.79   I felt the case warranted concern.
  development warrant 0.66   Additional updates are sent when news developments warrant.
  event warrant 0.46   We will continue to advise should events warrant.
  prospect warrant 0.46   Concern that prices exceed what earnings prospects warrant also weighted on the market.
  problem warrant 0.39   Not that every such problem warrants treatment.
  crime warrant 0.33   Unemployment is low, and crime barely warrants counting.
  demand warrant 0.33   It could be extended another two hours if demand warranted.
  issue warrant 0.33   The court panel said the issue did not warrant intervention.
  number warrant 0.33   His numbers warrant such a demand.
  behavior warrant 0.26   Also, make sure the behavior warrants a scolding.
  incident warrant 0.26   He thought the incident warranted a mistrial.
  information warrant 0.26   But he said the information warranted the decision.
  level warrant 0.26   High PSA levels warrant a closer look by a urologist.
  offense warrant 0.26   We believe that these offenses warrant censure, the sterner the better.
  outlook warrant 0.26   Venezuelan stocks rose as share prices appeared to have fallen lower than company earnings outlooks warranted.
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