arrest warrant 118.10   He is wanted on an arrest warrant there.
  extradition warrant 2.50   An extradition warrant was issued.
  murder warrant 2.04   So are most murder warrants.
  court warrant 1.71   Often, arrests were made without court warrants.
  witness warrant 1.58   Another person was sought on a material witness warrant.
  call warrant 0.99   There were no submissions for call warrants during the year.
  development warrant 0.99   Will be led as developments warrant.
  condition warrant 0.79   Lead could move earlier as race conditions warrant.
  misdemeanor warrant 0.79   He also is being held on misdemeanor warrants.
  traffic warrant 0.79   At first, police held the two men on unrelated traffic warrants.
  felony warrant 0.72   Felony warrants may be issued for others later, Cox said.
  drug warrant 0.53   Tyler was arrested Sunday on three outstanding drug warrants.
  event warrant 0.46   Other stories and sidebars are expected as events warrant.
  forgery warrant 0.46   Matthews was arrested on an unrelated, decade-old, state forgery warrant.
  detention warrant 0.39   The plaintiffs reiterated yesterday that detention warrants had only been obtained five days after their arrest.
  government warrant 0.39   A government arrest warrant is still out for Marcos.
  immigration warrant 0.33   He was being held by the Ottawa Police Department on an immigration warrant.
  material-witness warrant 0.33   At least two others have been arrested on material-witness warrants.
  situation warrant 0.33   Clearly, the situation warrants further follow up for cancer morbidity in this cohort.
  capital warrant 0.26   Investigators filed capital murder warrants against the seven convicts, who remained at large Tuesday.
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