be warn 0.53   It should have been enough warning for Holland, yet that was not the case.
  post warn 0.46   To keep away visitors, signs were posted warning of hoof-and-mouth disease.
  use warn 0.46   We plowed over red-painted rocks used to warn drivers that the land adjacent to the road was not cleared of mines.
  fire warn 0.39   The mob was only dispersed after anti-riot units fired warning shots in the air, it added,
  advance warn 0.33   Have an arrangement for the teacher to give you advance warning of an upcoming test.
  call warn 0.33   Or Lawyer would call to warn me another story was coming out.
  give warn 0.33   He peers through fog and storm to give warning of dangers ahead.
  sound warn 0.33   Church bells are then sounded to warn the people to flee.
  beep warn 0.26   Motorists beep to warn pedestrians and fellow drivers that they are about to run a traffic light.
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