guerrilla war 40.16   ...a guerrilla war.
  trade war 35.42   Are we at risk of a trade war?
  air war 19.35   Air war alone?
  drug war 18.89   No one bill will end the drug war.
  turf war 12.77   That makes a turf war likely.
  gulf war 10.66   Even during the gulf war.
  ground war 9.15   They lived a ground war.
  border war 6.65   Ecuador and Peru fought a border war last year.
  culture war 6.25   You want culture wars?
  propaganda war 5.53   We have to fight the propaganda war.
  gang war 4.87   The gang war is uneven.
  two-year war 4.41   The two-year war has had a tempering effect.
  proxy war 3.95   But, this is a complex proxy war.
  browser war 3.36   Remember the browser war?
  fare war 3.16   These fare wars are confusing.
  three-year war 2.76   Kuwait pledged Tuesday to help rebuild Bosnia once the three-year war is ended.
  independence war 2.70   The crackdown started a nine-month independence war.
  four-year war 2.57   The breakout helped change the course of the four-year war.
  six-month war 2.57   In a subsequent six-month war the rebels seized one third of Croatia.
  secessionist war 2.50   Ethnic Serbs in Bosnia are fighting a secessionist war against the Muslim-led government.
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