mind wander 5.60   Minds wander.
  people wander 2.11   People wandered dazed and terrified.
  eye wander 1.97   My eye wanders.
  man wander 1.97   Strange men wander in and out.
  child wander 1.51   The child wandered out of sight.
  attention wander 1.38   At home, your attention can wander.
  woman wander 1.32   A woman wanders in.
  tourist wander 1.25   A few tourists wandered around in shorts looking confused.
  dog wander 1.12   Wild dogs wander on the course.
  visitor wander 1.05   Visitors can wander the complex freely.
  player wander 0.79   Players can wander through theme parks they create and more.
  boy wander 0.72   A little boy wanders away toward traffic.
  animal wander 0.66   The animals wander freely in the tundra and forests.
  resident wander 0.66   Incontinent resident wandered home with wet pants.
  gaze wander 0.59   His gaze wanders off.
  thought wander 0.59   Susan let her shaping thoughts wander around the Temple.
  cow wander 0.53   A cow wandered into the roadway.
  fan wander 0.53   Other Cardinals fans wandered about in conquest.
  cattle wander 0.46   Cattle wander along the road and a primitive, grassy airstrip.
  deer wander 0.46   There, deer still wander, only three miles from the White House.
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