one-out walk 6.71   Craig Biggio drew a one-out walk.
  two-out walk 5.86   A two-out walk to Renteria started it.
  morning walk 3.16   I took a long walk this morning.
  nature walk 2.96   Go on nature walks with your children.
  four-pitch walk 2.17   Four-pitch walk.
  five-minute walk 1.91   The beach is a five-minute walk.
  full-count walk 0.92   Alfonzo worked a full-count walk.
  country walk 0.86   Thursday it was a country walk in Westchester.
  cake walk 0.72   However, getting there will be no cake walk.
  half-hour walk 0.72   The crash site is a steep half-hour walk from the base.
  perp walk 0.66   Incidentally, the idea of eliminating perp walks appalls Hayes.
  day walk 0.59   She took gentle walks each day.
  night walk 0.59   Night beach walks are even better.
  tightrope walk 0.59   Daredevil prepares for a Niagara Falls tightrope walk.
  half-mile walk 0.53   Experts then mapped out a half-mile walk through the district.
  three-mile walk 0.53   It was only a three-mile walk to Kabul from there.
  two-mile walk 0.53   Begin the two-mile walk to the river for water.
  five-pitch walk 0.39   Five-pitch walk.
  moon walk 0.39   But not everybody who follows this path does the moon walk.
  brick walk 0.33   Q. My brick walks get moldy in the shade.
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