take wait 0.86   Pribash is taking a wait and see attitude.
  shorten wait 0.72   Fortunately, the professors have devised a way to shorten the wait.
  have wait 0.59   Instead of a roll, Aikman now has a wait.
  mean wait 0.53   That could mean long waits.
  face wait 0.46   They face a wait of up to five years for a line.
  make wait 0.46   This could make the wait for public housing longer.
  require wait 0.46   But a repair or a line installation could require a wait.
  adopt wait 0.39   Until then, they will adopt a wait and see attitude.
  end wait 0.39   Now, a Turkish team lauded as the best ever can end the wait by winning a two-leg playoff with Austria.
  avoid wait 0.33   Both advise arriving early to avoid waits.
  endure wait 0.33   Most had come alone and endured the wait.
  expect wait 0.33   Be there early or expect a wait.
  ease wait 0.26   To ease the wait, Neiman Marcus sent customers driving gloves and cashmere scarves.
  eliminate wait 0.26   Preparation eliminates long waits in line.
  reduce wait 0.26   Buses also will make more fre quent stops, reducing waits.
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