campaign volunteer 2.04   Campaign volunteers now are being recruited.
  student volunteer 1.91   Student volunteers operate most ride boards.
  community volunteer 1.25   Community volunteers are welcome.
  parent volunteer 1.12   What about parent volunteers?
  hospital volunteer 0.72   She was a hospital volunteer.
  museum volunteer 0.59   A museum volunteer encouraged Welu to take a peek.
  relief volunteer 0.53   Carter learned of her predicament through flood relief volunteers.
  school volunteer 0.53   He was an eager school volunteer.
  woman volunteer 0.53   There were almost as many women volunteers as children on view.
  rescue volunteer 0.46   Local rescue volunteers would have to cover the same ground he was now covering.
  study volunteer 0.46   There were no harmful side effects reported by the study volunteers.
  tournament volunteer 0.39   One witness, a tournament volunteer, testified that Lenon had taken several swings at him.
  inmate volunteer 0.33   Byock visited the Oregon State Penitentiary hospice, which, like Angola, relies on inmate volunteers.
  park volunteer 0.33   She gets along well with the park volunteers, most of whom are white.
  police volunteer 0.33   But as of Wednesday, Foa said neither had even provided the names of police volunteers.
  race volunteer 0.33   Traum suggested that race volunteers could have carried the athletes over the expansion grating.
  research volunteer 0.33   Hopkins said it was the first time in its history that a healthy research volunteer died.
  army volunteer 0.26   A group of British army volunteers in World War I find themselves in a murderous battle.
  disaster volunteer 0.26   I am a disaster volunteer for the American Red Cross in Manhattan.
  health volunteer 0.26   Health volunteers will focus even more on the disease.
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