active volcano 5.66   There is an active volcano nearby.
  erupting volcano 1.78   No erupting volcanos, no roaring tigers here.
  extinct volcano 1.45   The atoll is the rim of an extinct volcano.
  dormant volcano 0.79   The dormant volcano emits sulfuric vapors.
  rumbling volcano 0.79   Rumbling volcano threatens island.
  ancient volcano 0.53   Like many nearby islands, Montserrat was formed by ancient volcanoes.
  snow-capped volcano 0.53   Eight snow-capped volcanoes, several still active, appear.
  underwater volcano 0.53   Vast gold deposits may lie near underwater volcanoes.
  major volcano 0.46   Over the past year, two major Japanese volcanoes have erupted.
  nearby volcano 0.46   That is possible only if the nearby volcano, erupting, melted the ice first.
  undersea volcano 0.46   Scientists track erupting undersea volcano off Oregon coast.
  new volcano 0.39   The formation of the new volcano could take many years, Balesta said.
  the volcano 0.39   The two volcanos are in the same mountain range in the east of the DRC.
  indonesian volcano 0.33   Thousands evacuated as Indonesian volcano rumbles.
  still-active volcano 0.33   Scientists monitor rumblings from the still-active volcano.
  dangerous volcano 0.26   Experts consider Colima to be the most dangerous volcano in Mexico.
  live volcano 0.26   Possibilities such as live volcano exploration.
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