law violate 9.08   MITI said the law violated WTO rules.
  company violate 5.73   He said the company violated state gambling laws.
  action violate 4.02   Both actions violate military rules of conduct.
  government violate 3.75   Civilian governments violate human rights as well.
  plane violate 3.42   Cuba said the planes violated its airspace.
  plan violate 2.63   Critics say that the plans violate age-discrimination laws.
  deal violate 2.37   The deal violated international arms embargoes.
  policy violate 2.30   But some attorneys say such policies violate students rights.
  practice violate 2.30   That practice violates health codes.
  program violate 2.30   They maintained that the program violated their freedom of religion and other rights.
  rule violate 2.30   Thus, the rule does not violate the equitable treatment regulations.
  measure violate 2.24   Mexico says any punitive measure would violate the NAFTA agreement.
  move violate 2.24   All these moves violate the Dayton agreement.
  police violate 1.91   Viets said police had broadly violated forfeiture law in Missouri.
  ban violate 1.78   The ban violates international law, the commission said.
  official violate 1.78   It said many prison officials were violating the rules.
  bill violate 1.71   Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.
  attack violate 1.58   He ticks off the ways the attacks violated Islamic doctrine.
  decision violate 1.51   They said the decision violated world trade rules.
  system violate 1.51   Briones ruled last month that the current system violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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