watch video 17.58   I watch videos.
  show video 9.41   Rogers also showed a video.
  make video 5.66   Each woman made two videos.
  use video 4.48   They use digitized video.
  see video 3.82   We saw your video.
  produce video 3.69   He produced two videos of Middle Eastern dancing.
  have video 3.62   We have video.
  release video 3.36   Video is released on Tuesday.
  shoot video 3.29   I shot video all the time.
  stream video 2.96   After that, lectures are delivered by streaming video over the Internet.
  sell video 2.63   These days the Internet is perhaps best suited to sell videos.
  view video 2.63   You may want to reconsider viewing this video.
  rent video 2.57   Rent a video.
  buy video 2.30   Buy the video.
  include video 2.17   Coverage includes video of a cult ceremony.
  send video 2.04   The latest trend is to send out videos.
  play video 1.97   Play videos.
  broadcast video 1.78   Murr TV later broadcast video of the clashes.
  study video 1.78   Piazza never studies video.
  take video 1.78   Take videos.
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