guilty verdict 27.06   The jury returned a guilty verdict.
  final verdict 6.78   The final verdict?
  unanimous verdict 5.13   It was not a unanimous verdict.
  first verdict 2.90   First verdict due Wednesday.
  not-guilty verdict 2.17   And then we have a not-guilty verdict?
  original verdict 1.45   Pfizer plans to appeal the original verdict and the damage award.
  innocent verdict 1.18   It also confirmed innocent verdicts for four other men.
  different verdict 1.05   They offered different verdicts.
  directed verdict 1.05   Although directed verdict requests are routine, they are rarely granted.
  earlier verdict 0.92   An earlier verdict was overturned.
  fair verdict 0.92   Would that prevent them from rendering a fair verdict?
  such verdict 0.92   The settlement wipes out the risk of such a verdict.
  formal verdict 0.86   The sheriff returned a formal verdict.
  official verdict 0.86   The official verdict was suicide.
  controversial verdict 0.79   The controversial verdict last August sparked a worldwide outcry.
  mixed verdict 0.79   And so it is a mixed verdict.
  possible verdict 0.79   Verdict possible.
  second verdict 0.79   This is the second such verdict in a matter of months.
  partial verdict 0.72   After the partial verdicts were read, they seemed to find hope.
  whatever verdict 0.72   Whatever the verdict the case is unlikely to end here.
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