wear veil 7.24   Like whether I should wear a veil.
  lift veil 2.70   And why lift the veil now?
  draw veil 0.66   His brain drew a veil over the sickening consequences.
  remove veil 0.59   The veil has been removed.
  don veil 0.46   Female guests must don a veil.
  throw veil 0.46   The sunset is throwing a veil tinged in coral over Monterey Bay.
  keep veil 0.39   Whatever his reason, Bush prefers to keep a veil over his past.
  maintain veil 0.39   It seems ludicrous that these two high-profile teams could meet and still maintain the veil of silence.
  ban veil 0.33   Full veils are banned at all state universities.
  require veil 0.33   The Front would ban alcohol, require veils and separate the sexes in public.
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