family vault 1.25   The cemetery says Disney is in the family vault.
  first vault 1.12   On his first vault, the pole broke in half.
  underground vault 1.12   No tombstones mark the underground vaults.
  final vault 0.86   Strug stuck her final vault on one leg.
  second vault 0.86   After walking gingerly off the mat, she decided to do her second vault.
  ribbed vault 0.79   It is a five-aisled church, not of hall type, with a wide, lofty nave and ribbed vault.
  burial vault 0.66   I sell caskets, burial vaults and urns for the ashes.
  concrete vault 0.66   These support concrete vaults which slope downwards towards the arena.
  quadripartite vault 0.53   Inside all is brick, piers, columns and quadripartite vaults.
  groined vault 0.46   The groined vault is carried on grouped piers.
  gothic vault 0.39   The choir, with its carved wood stalls and Gothic vault is the most impressive part.
  locked vault 0.33   Reporters were barred Wednesday from entering the locked vault.
  opening vault 0.33   Khorkina made a difference even before her opening vault.
  special vault 0.33   Those will remain in a special vault in the museum basement.
  high vault 0.26   The chapel has a high stone vault and is apsidal at one end.
  large vault 0.26   Sheffield will have to go to a large-market team with a large vault.
  stone vault 0.26   The ceiling is plaster, not made of real stone vaults.
  subterranean vault 0.26   There is a tremendous spell to these subterranean vaults.
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