erode value 30.09   A weak yen erodes the value of the assets.
  have value 29.82   A book has totemic value.
  increase value 22.65   And they also can increase their value.
  reduce value 14.61   These factors are believed to reduce property values.
  lose value 14.55   But the dollar lost value.
  boost value 10.86   And they boost property values by thousands.
  see value 10.34   I think they see value here.
  add value 9.02   The star adds no value.
  know value 8.95   Disney knows value.
  determine value 6.78   They determine the value of a diamond.
  give value 6.52   They gave me values.
  get value 5.99   They get value.
  raise value 5.79   It raises his value to the Mets.
  place value 5.46   How could I place a value on it?
  recognize value 5.46   The first step is recognizing the value.
  enhance value 5.40   Does it enhance the value of the building?
  diminish value 5.20   Rising inflation diminishes the value of bonds.
  put value 5.00   How do you put a value on that?
  question value 4.94   But the analysts question the value of Ultigo.
  reflect value 4.94   Does your job reflect your values?
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