coaching vacancy 4.61   The Warriors also have a coaching vacancy.
  managerial vacancy 0.72   The number of managerial vacancies grows.
  head-coaching vacancy 0.66   Fifteen head-coaching vacancies in the last two seasons.
  judicial vacancy 0.59   In response, the Senate began to make progress in reducing judicial vacancies.
  remaining vacancy 0.53   Toronto named Buck Martinez as manager on Thursday, filling the other remaining vacancy.
  the vacancy 0.53   Elections will be called immediately to fill the nine vacancies.
  high vacancy 0.46   Despite the high vacancy rate, Murphy said his job was tough at first.
  higher vacancy 0.39   Layoffs, mergers and acquisitions are generating higher vacancy rates for office space.
  rising vacancy 0.39   Rising vacancy rates will then have an impact.
  assistant vacancy 0.26   UNT does have two assistant coaching vacancies to fill.
  next vacancy 0.26   A sister-in-law already booked the next vacancy.
  open vacancy 0.26   Left wing looms as the most open vacancy.
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