resist urge 8.76   Either way, resist the urge.
  have urge 4.02   - Have you ever had an urge?
  fight urge 2.04   I fight that urge.
  feel urge 1.65   Did he feel an urge?
  suppress urge 0.99   I suppressed an urge to laugh.
  control urge 0.92   He controlled the urge to laugh.
  stifle urge 0.86   He stifled an urge to hit her.
  get urge 0.66   I got the urge.
  satisfy urge 0.66   They satisfy the urge to be naughty.
  ignore urge 0.46   The urge cannot be ignored.
  repress urge 0.46   Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.
  lose urge 0.39   But some never lose the urge.
  reduce urge 0.39   This may reduce the urge to nibble on snacks.
  understand urge 0.39   The players should understand that urge.
  avoid urge 0.26   Winners avoid the urge to dart in and out of the market.
  overcome urge 0.26   Fortunately for the kid and my relationship with his grandmother, I overcame the urge to dump him on his head.
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