german unification 5.27   German unification proved expensive.
  eventual unification 1.65   But the sheer scale of eventual unification will worry some.
  european unification 0.99   The Maastricht treaty on European unification may help investors, too.
  korean unification 0.92   The anniversary also represents the longing for Korean unification.
  national unification 0.79   They agreed to work together to reconcile for national unification.
  middleweight unification 0.66   King now will put Bradley in a middleweight unification series.
  peaceful unification 0.46   Sha said Beijing stands for peaceful unification with Taiwan.
  political unification 0.39   - Historically, political unification has always preceded monetary unification.
  family unification 0.33   More distant relatives may also immigrate through family unification policies.
  monetary unification 0.33   Some eight years later, monetary unification has been achieved.
  irish unification 0.26   Consequently, Washington cannot advocate Irish unification outright.
  possible unification 0.26   Thomas said he had not received any communication from HBO about a possible unification bout.
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