archaeologist unearth 0.86   Usually, state archaeologists unearth history themselves.
  worker unearth 0.86   Workers reportedly unearth first body.
  investigator unearth 0.59   RWANDA-GRAVE, investigators unearth remains of genocide victims.
  police unearth 0.59   Police unearthed a cache of guns and explosives at the home of the confessed killer.
  investigation unearth 0.39   Freeh said the investigation had not unearthed enough evidence to charge him at the time.
  scientist unearth 0.39   Scientists have unearthed a complete dinosaur skeleton in Montana.
  authority unearth 0.33   Federal authorities have not unearthed a motive that would connect all of the explosions.
  archeologist unearth 0.26   The archeologists unearthed more than ships.
  dig unearth 0.26   The dig also unearthed remains of giant marine reptiles and other fossils.
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