rate undermine 1.58   High rates of taxation undermine incentives to work.
  corruption undermine 1.12   Corruption undermines the rule of law.
  attack undermine 0.99   In the past, such attacks have undermined negotiations.
  crisis undermine 0.92   The oil crisis undermined confidence further.
  move undermine 0.92   Sun says both moves undermine its control of the language.
  violence undermine 0.92   Scattered daily violence undermines fragile truce.
  bill undermine 0.86   This bill will not undermine negotiations.
  change undermine 0.86   But unions say the changes will undermine job security.
  system undermine 0.79   The system undermines minority hope and defeats ambition.
  tunnel undermine 0.79   Muslims feel the tunnel undermines their control over the shrines.
  action undermine 0.72   Explain how certain actions are undermining productivity.
  measure undermine 0.72   All these measures could undermine Milosevic.
  policy undermine 0.72   That policy undermines U.S. businesses in Japan who are paying more to import their goods.
  concern undermine 0.66   Meanwhile, the mark has been undermined by concern the euro, the future single European currency, will be weak.
  program undermine 0.66   Gore has argued that such programs could undermine public schools.
  proposal undermine 0.66   Business groups say the proposal would undermine German competitiveness.
  cut undermine 0.59   Any further cut could further undermine the value of the euro.
  decision undermine 0.59   But Breyer argued that the decision undermined the state court.
  law undermine 0.59   But even tax law undermines flexibility.
  plan undermine 0.59   But NTT fought back, saying the plan would undermine its competitive edge.
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