ask umpire 0.79   Just ask the umpires.
  bump umpire 0.72   Palmer ran out of the dugout and appeared to bump the umpire.
  use umpire 0.59   A fifth umpire was used during the doubleheader.
  chair umpire 0.46   Edberg suspected a bit of gamesmanship and complained to chair umpire Mike Morrissey.
  criticize umpire 0.46   Berman is loath to criticize umpires.
  put umpire 0.46   Baseball wanted to put umpires under their umbrella.
  represent umpire 0.46   The umpires were represented by general counsel Richie Phillips.
  accuse umpire 0.39   Rippley and Tata accused umpires from the anti-Phillips faction of disseminating false information.
  boo umpire 0.39   When Sosa was called out on strikes, they booed the umpire.
  curse umpire 0.39   Vis then cursed the umpire and was disqualified.
  slap umpire 0.39   His wife, Benedicte, later slapped the umpire.
  cause umpire 0.33   The incident almost caused the umpires to strike during the playoffs.
  have umpire 0.33   Double-A leagues have three umpires, and all other leagues use two.
  hit umpire 0.33   Mack was thrown out of the game for hitting an umpire.
  defend umpire 0.26   DiMuro defended Japanese umpires.
  force umpire 0.26   If Ludwig chooses not to force the umpires to work, substitutes will be standing by.
  say umpire 0.26   Not so fast, say the umpires.
  support umpire 0.26   Budig said the league believes in and supports its umpires.
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