carpal tunnel 8.62   Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  underground tunnel 5.00   Bomb-sniffing dogs will patrol underground tunnels.
  new tunnel 2.44   The old sewer was not yet connected to the new tunnel.
  archaeological tunnel 1.97   At the time, Israel had opened an archaeological tunnel along the shrine.
  narrow tunnel 1.91   The jitney rushed on into another narrow tunnel.
  secret tunnel 1.51   The therapists ask, Did you get taken to a secret tunnel?
  dark tunnel 1.38   Just trudging through the dark tunnel.
  long tunnel 1.25   It was unclear how long tunnel would stay closed.
  pedestrian tunnel 1.12   A pedestrian tunnel runs under the boulevard.
  alpine tunnel 1.05   All Alpine tunnels have their particular risks.
  archeological tunnel 1.05   The unrest had been set off by the opening of a new exit to an Israeli archeological tunnel in Jerusalem.
  controversial tunnel 1.05   But he has steadfastly refused to agree to Palestinian demands that Israel close the controversial tunnel.
  downtown tunnel 0.99   Authorities blamed a faulty fuse for the incident, which occurred in a downtown tunnel.
  concrete tunnel 0.79   The base is made up of a series of steel-enforced concrete tunnels dug into the hills.
  collapsed tunnel 0.72   Twenty people were trapped in a collapsed tunnel and all died.
  main tunnel 0.66   A small room was built near the main tunnel entrance.
  same tunnel 0.59   But the same tunnel had a cultural facelift recently.
  underwater tunnel 0.59   The wreckage was found during work on an underwater tunnel at the port of Olbia.
  fortified tunnel 0.46   Israeli warplanes attacked radical Palestinian guerrillas near Beirut on Friday, firing missiles at fortified underground tunnels, security officials said.
  second tunnel 0.46   It was the second tunnel discovered this week at the facility.
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