different tune 3.55   Now he is singing a different tune.
  pop tune 3.03   He also wrote catchy pop tunes.
  catchy tune 2.44   He also wrote catchy pop tunes.
  old tune 2.37   She played old tunes, people sang.
  new tune 2.24   Smith rarely performs new tunes.
  familiar tune 2.17   Familiar tune, new words.
  folk tune 1.65   It begins as a folk tune.
  same tune 1.51   Not everyone listens to the same tunes.
  good tune 1.45   A good tune is forever.
  traditional tune 1.45   And so they play the traditional tunes.
  fine tune 1.18   Brooks has a writing credit here on a really fine tune.
  little tune 1.18   Sam was humming a little tune.
  popular tune 1.18   The jukebox plays popular tunes from back home.
  favorite tune 1.05   You can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favorite tunes.
  jazz tune 0.72   You make it into a jazz tune?
  similar tune 0.72   Boleros are ballad-like tunes similar to love songs.
  happy tune 0.66   He whistled a happy tune.
  best tune 0.59   The best tunes here are, of course, his own.
  original tune 0.53   But the original tunes make up for it.
  marching tune 0.46   This is not the familiar Ives of hymns and marching tunes.
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