cancerous tumor 8.69   That led doctors to discover the cancerous tumor.
  malignant tumor 4.94   A malignant tumor?
  benign tumor 3.16   Third of a lung removed to excise benign tumor.
  small tumor 2.50   The scan showed a small tumor in her abdomen.
  solid tumor 1.71   Solid tumors are generally much harder to treat.
  prostate tumor 1.32   It may be enough to keep latent prostate tumors from progressing.
  liver tumor 1.25   Fish living in there rarely develop liver tumors.
  human tumor 1.18   Roth hopes the same will happen with human tumors.
  new tumor 1.12   A new tumor has been found in his stomach.
  large tumor 0.92   Subsequent reports indicated the large tumor was shrinking.
  ovarian tumor 0.79   It turned out to be a ruptured ovarian tumor.
  rare tumor 0.72   A labrador with a rare gastric tumor receives chemotherapy.
  tiny tumor 0.72   But the tiny tumor, that the surgeon found on the way to the spot, was not.
  pancreatic tumor 0.53   Pancreatic tumors are among the grimmest of all cancers, killing many victims within a year of diagnosis.
  fibroid tumor 0.46   The physician initially thought Heather had a fibroid tumor.
  dangerous tumor 0.39   Kantoff said he believes the CAG repeat marker will become a useful test for singling out the more dangerous tumors.
  fast-growing tumor 0.39   Lee Atwater and Ethel Merman both died from the fast-growing tumor.
  growing tumor 0.39   Endostatin prevents new vessels from forming to nourish growing tumors.
  microscopic tumor 0.39   Bone marrow tests revealed they all had microscopic tumors still lurking.
  primary tumor 0.39   When the primary tumor is removed, the metastatic tumors flourish.
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