tell truth 58.33   And tell the truth.
  know truth 12.57   Alou knows the truth.
  speak truth 7.44   He spoke the truth.
  learn truth 4.67   Learn the truth.
  reveal truth 4.21   It was to reveal the truth.
  discover truth 3.75   On Monday they discovered the truth.
  find truth 3.55   We must find the truth.
  stretch truth 3.03   I stretched the truth a little.
  uncover truth 2.96   Simon ultimately helps Joe uncover the truth.
  hide truth 2.90   I was hiding the truth.
  want truth 2.04   He wanted truth.
  distort truth 1.91   All have alibis and all distort the truth.
  conceal truth 1.71   But as usual the statistics conceal the truth.
  see truth 1.71   He sees the truth.
  seek truth 1.71   We must seek the truth.
  admit truth 1.51   Our pride kept us from admitting the truth.
  establish truth 1.45   But he said the most important thing was to establish the truth.
  face truth 1.45   He needs to face the truth.
  have truth 1.38   We had the truth.
  bend truth 1.25   Now Al Gore is bending the truth again.
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