monitor truce 5.13   That truce was not monitored by a third party.
  call truce 5.00   They agreed to call a truce.
  sign truce 4.81   Truces have been signed with some groups.
  negotiate truce 4.15   The two sides have been unable to negotiate a truce.
  broker truce 3.55   The truce was brokered by Norway.
  observe truce 3.49   Rebels continue to observe the truce.
  reach truce 3.49   After a while, an uneasy truce was reached.
  violate truce 3.49   Sudan denied it violated the truce.
  declare truce 3.36   Richie and I declared a truce.
  extend truce 3.16   Buddhist rebels extend truce.
  break truce 2.96   The IRA broke the truce in February.
  announce truce 2.70   Rebels announce a truce.
  arrange truce 2.04   A truce was then arranged.
  implement truce 1.71   Barak promised to swiftly implement the truce declared at the summit.
  renew truce 1.12   US President Bill Clinton called on the IRA to renew the truce.
  secure truce 1.05   In two previous trips, Zinni failed to secure a truce.
  accept truce 0.99   Lissouba had already accepted the truce.
  discuss truce 0.99   They were to discuss a truce after nearly a year of fighting.
  mediate truce 0.99   The United States, Turkey and Britain mediated the truce.
  use truce 0.99   But the guerrillas used the truce to recruit more fighters.
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