fashion trend 6.12   Blame shifting fashion trends.
  market trend 5.86   What are the likely market trends?
  industry trend 5.53   I went to another lecture on industry trends.
  price trend 4.74   The annual price trend is also tame.
  consolidation trend 2.11   The consolidation trend is continuing.
  population trend 2.04   Positive signs do exist in population trends.
  business trend 1.84   They study global business trends.
  consumer trend 1.32   The company collects information about consumer trends.
  world trend 1.32   This is an adaptation of world trends.
  inflation trend 1.25   Those figures should give a clearer idea of US inflation trends.
  growth trend 1.12   Pataki plans to continue the growth trend in New York.
  merger trend 1.12   And the merger trend is expected to continue.
  food trend 0.99   Regional food trends come and go.
  recovery trend 0.99   He added that the economy is in a mild recovery trend.
  year trend 0.99   But that has not been the trend every year.
  crime trend 0.86   ...a crime trend that will horrify all parents.
  employment trend 0.79   The state usually mirrors national employment trends.
  investment trend 0.79   But no investment trend lasts forever.
  term trend 0.66   It prefers to look instead at longer term trends.
  design trend 0.59   Once again, the past is prologue to a great design trend.
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