use treat 32.39   Reg, Reg used to treat his mum badly.
  approve treat 2.11   No drugs have been approved to treat apnea.
  spend treat 1.97   But she does know how much she spent to treat him before running out of money.
  develop treat 1.58   Other drugs are being developed to treat ALS.
  be treat 0.53   But treating a symptom is one thing, curing the disease is something else.
  arrive treat 0.39   Two hundred rescue workers in dozens of ambulances arrived to treat the victims.
  do treat 0.39   The researchers, however, said more could have been done to treat symptoms.
  have treat 0.39   Some were so badly treated they had to be humanly destroyed.
  prescribe treat 0.39   Armstrong later explained the cream was prescribed to treat saddle sores.
  will treat 0.39   Each application will by treated on a case-by-case basis in future.
  sell treat 0.26   Novantrone currently is sold to treat certain leukemia and prostate cancer patients.
  set_up treat 0.26   Tents were set up to treat the casualties.
  well treat 0.26   Thongbai said she wished to see with her own eyes that her daughter was well treated and in good health.
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