doctor treat 14.02   The doctors treated the men.
  police treat 6.45   How did the police treat you?
  people treat 4.81   People treat me different.
  paramedic treat 4.21   Paramedics treated him for shock.
  authority treat 3.75   The authorities treat the children as subnormal.
  hospital treat 3.75   Hospitals are treating patients.
  government treat 3.62   The Hutu government had not treated him well.
  company treat 3.09   Both companies treat heart disease.
  official treat 2.57   The officials always treat them better.
  team treat 1.84   Medical teams treated the wounded.
  drug treat 1.71   Take drugs to treat or prevent osteoporosis.
  law treat 1.65   But until now tax law has not treated it as a sale.
  fan treat 1.51   How will the fans treat me?
  medic treat 1.25   Russian medics treated Zemlianichenko after checking his credentials.
  medium treat 1.25   The media treated her like she was from Mars.
  parent treat 1.25   How did your parents treat you?
  country treat 1.18   It is the way the countries treat royalty.
  administration treat 1.12   About Russia, the administration treats it as a pitiful sick child.
  staff treat 1.12   Staff will only treat serious cases.
  investor treat 1.05   Investors treat this as good news.
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