plastic trash 1.71   To follow through with the theme, he uses plastic trash bags for shopping bags.
  burning trash 0.86   The flame behind him is the fire from burning trash.
  large trash 0.86   Then a large metal trash can was placed in the middle of the street and set afire.
  talking trash 0.66   Rasheed, too busy talking trash.
  metal trash 0.59   Underneath were metal trash cans lined with plastic bags to catch rain water.
  municipal trash 0.53   The second attack on Monday seriously injured a municipal trash collector in the nearby town of Stinatz.
  big trash 0.46   A big blue trash can.
  green trash 0.46   They are all stuffed inside one green Hefty trash bag.
  household trash 0.46   Both the United States and Europe generate as much demolition waste as household trash.
  local trash 0.39   Local trash haulers are fighting back, sometimes viciously, sometimes with comic clumsiness.
  black trash 0.33   At another point, his assistant, Andrea Mazzola, is seen holding a black plastic trash bag.
  collecting trash 0.33   He said the victim was alone at the site, and could have been collecting trash at the bus stop.
  ordinary trash 0.33   Dispose of treated wood scraps by ordinary trash disposal.
  public trash 0.33   Never toss them in a public trash container.
  regular trash 0.33   Cylinders cannot be thrown out with the regular trash.
  commercial trash 0.26   The exemption would not cover commercial trash operations.
  new trash 0.26   The new trash can arrived this week in a big cardboard box.
  out-of-state trash 0.26   Pennsylvania takes in more out-of-state trash than any other state.
  overflowing trash 0.26   By that time, bonfires had already been started at the overflowing trash cans dotting the site.
  overturned trash 0.26   From Jerusalem to Hebron, the landscape Saturday was littered with rocks, overturned trash containers and burned tires.
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