mosquito transmit 3.29   Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.
  satellite transmit 2.11   Modern satellites transmit information directly.
  broadcaster transmit 1.18   Broadcasters only transmit a few digital shows.
  company transmit 0.92   Usually, cable companies transmit all local broadcast stations.
  tick transmit 0.79   The disease is a parasitic blood disorder transmitted by ticks.
  cable transmit 0.59   Fiber optic cables transmit data as pulses of laser light.
  flea transmit 0.59   Bubonic plague is a contagious disease transmitted by fleas from infected rats.
  radio transmit 0.59   The radio was transmitting from another location.
  device transmit 0.53   Moreover, the device can transmit data about a drunk driver to the police.
  station transmit 0.53   The station transmits programs of the Hong Kong-based STAR TV network.
  system transmit 0.53   The system transmits information over digital phone lines.
  computer transmit 0.46   He said he and his computer would transmit a copy to my friends on the coast.
  people transmit 0.39   People can transmit the highly contagious virus on their clothes.
  television transmit 0.39   It was not clear who won the struggle, but Pale television was no longer transmitting to Belgrade on Thursday.
  camera transmit 0.33   The cameras transmit photos to U.N. offices in Baghdad.
  line transmit 0.33   Unlike our regular copper telephone lines, ISDN lines can transmit digital data.
  patient transmit 0.33   But once the first flu-like symptoms develop, the patient can transmit the virus through bodily contact.
  signal transmit 0.33   No high buildings or mountains obscure the radio signals transmitted over the Internet.
  blood transmit 0.26   As there is no current evidence that the disease is transmitted by blood, none of the patients were told about the diagnosis.
  contact transmit 0.26   Hepatitis B can be transmitted by contact with tainted blood or during sexual relations.
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