mass transit 25.08   Cut mass transit subsidies.
  public transit 9.68   Public transit is available.
  major transit 6.39   Thailand is a major transit route to the West.
  key transit 1.78   Police say it is a key transit point for drug smugglers.
  main transit 1.45   Spain is the main transit route for the drug.
  popular transit 1.12   The Czech Republic is becoming a popular transit destination for refugees.
  intestinal transit 0.99   Studies in rats have shown that bile salts inhibit gastric emptying and prolongs intestinal transit time.
  new transit 0.99   --Use new transit to spawn a downtown.
  free transit 0.79   In the long term, he proposes opening the U.S.-Mexico border to the free transit of workers, like the European Union.
  local transit 0.79   The money would have been transferred from local transit funds.
  colonic transit 0.59   Colonic transit time was assessed by means of radioopaque markers.
  regional transit 0.59   Unionized drivers occupied the administrative offices of the regional transit agency overnight.
  common transit 0.46   Ukraine is a common transit route for Asians heading to Western Europe.
  french transit 0.46   Drancy was a French transit camp, from where deported Jews were sent to Nazi death camps.
  urban transit 0.46   Muni could be the first large urban transit department to install the system.
  favorite transit 0.39   Lithuania has become a favorite transit point for illegal immigrants trying to reach western Europe.
  small transit 0.39   In particular, the terminal ileum seems to have an important role in the regulation of small intestinal transit.
  important transit 0.33   A British plane also landed in Split, Croatia, an important transit point for deployment in neighboring Bosnia.
  slow transit 0.33   This study suggests some degree of idiopathic autonomic denervation in patients with slow transit constipation.
  active transit 0.26   American and U.N. drug authorities say Cambodia is an increasingly active transit point for heroin from Southeast Asia.
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