financial transaction 23.96   Financial transactions are very private.
  stock transaction 7.04   Stock transactions could fail to clear.
  commercial transaction 3.88   Thai law prohibits commercial transactions in organs.
  online transaction 3.82   Moreover, Asian banks mistrust online transactions.
  proposed transaction 3.82   The proposed transaction was scrapped, though, in April.
  electronic transaction 3.69   Another new idea is to impose a tax on electronic transactions.
  illegal transaction 3.36   The market crashed when the illegal transactions were discovered.
  international transaction 2.76   The kyat is not accepted in international transactions.
  complex transaction 2.57   Asset sales are complex transactions.
  large transaction 2.57   General Growth is no stranger to pulling off large transactions.
  private transaction 2.50   It considers the deals to be private transactions.
  suspicious transaction 2.50   It requires banks to take steps to identify suspicious transactions.
  secure transaction 2.44   Does the store have a secure transaction server?
  such transaction 2.04   Such a transaction would be tax free for GE.
  tax-free transaction 1.84   The acquisition is intended to be a tax-free transaction, the companies said.
  similar transaction 1.58   Similar transactions have fetched one-to-two times sales.
  economic transaction 1.45   The market should interpret this as an economic transaction.
  first transaction 1.25   This is not the first transaction between the companies.
  separate transaction 1.25   The deal announced Thursday is actually two separate transactions.
  complicated transaction 1.18   He developed computer software to handle complicated financial transactions.
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