lose touch 21.79   Coogan had lost touch.
  keep_in touch 9.35   Keep in touch.
  add touch 8.89   Add a touch of animal print.
  have touch 6.39   He has a touch.
  put touch 2.11   Reach out and put the touch on someone.
  find touch 2.04   Suddenly, he found his touch.
  get_in touch 2.04   Why should he get in touch?
  bring touch 1.84   Fledgling airline brings touch of normalcy.
  regain touch 1.51   Then again, he is looking to regain his touch.
  feel touch 1.25   Hornish said he never felt the touch.
  get touch 1.25   They have got the touch.
  show touch 0.99   England showed few touches of genuine class.
  provide touch 0.86   Dowell provides marvelous touches.
  use touch 0.79   In here, we could use a touch of heat.
  rediscover touch 0.72   But upon his return, Ewing rediscovered his touch.
  apply touch 0.66   Many lesser touches have been applied.
  need touch 0.53   The literal Expressionist touch was not needed.
  lend touch 0.46   His father was a policeman, which lent a touch of drama to his childhood.
  take touch 0.46   Only, that takes a touch of the old.
  make touch 0.39   Final touches were made Monday.
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