win toss 61.29   Pakistan won toss.
  play toss 0.79   Then just start playing long toss.
  lose toss 0.72   Earlier, India lost the toss and was asked to bat first by Sri Lanka.
  throw toss 0.59   Mike Thurman threw soft toss for the first time since late May.
  make toss 0.53   No toss was made before the scheduled start.
  take toss 0.46   He is expected to throw and take soft toss hitting on Monday.
  hit toss 0.39   He had already been fielding ground balls and hitting soft toss.
  catch toss 0.33   Hershiser caught the toss from Ventura.
  drop toss 0.26   Ortiz, covering first, dropped a toss from Joyner in the seventh.
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