broken toe 4.48   Crowley has a broken toe.
  triple toe 2.90   The Russians and Germans were doing triple toes.
  right toe 2.57   The right toes are full.
  left toe 2.24   He sat out with a sprained left toe.
  sprained toe 2.04   Clay Shiver had a sprained toe.
  sore toe 1.91   Sore toe, bulging gut, whatever.
  second toe 1.71   The second toe was black and blue.
  infected toe 1.32   Both were hobbled by infected toes.
  dislocated toe 1.12   Ekuban has missed the past four games with a dislocated toe.
  big toe 0.92   Loretta missed two months last season with a broken big left toe.
  pointed toe 0.92   Avoid shoes with pointed toes.
  injured toe 0.79   Islanders C Claude Lapointe did not play because of an injured toe.
  axel-triple toe 0.72   He plotzed his triple axel-triple toe.
  fractured toe 0.72   Still, Smits said the fractured toe helped ease concern over the feet.
  quad toe 0.66   Anthony Liu of Australia fell on his first jump, a quad toe.
  quadruple toe 0.66   Weiss fell on his quadruple toe and stepped out of his triple axel.
  frostbitten toe 0.59   Frostbitten toes and fingers are souvenirs from his adventure.
  bare toe 0.53   The sight of her bare toes made him feel slightly religious.
  double toe 0.53   He cut his quad toe loop to a double toe, but still was first with six judges.
  arthritic toe 0.46   -- A painful arthritic toe?
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