regulate tobacco 8.76   His administration has proposed regulating tobacco as a drug.
  chew tobacco 5.07   Chew tobacco.
  grow tobacco 2.57   He grew some tobacco.
  use tobacco 2.44   Nearly a third were using tobacco.
  sell tobacco 2.11   Retailers who sell tobacco also must post warnings.
  buy tobacco 1.38   Only the government buys tobacco in Lebanon.
  ban tobacco 1.32   Oakland currently bans tobacco advertising on billboards.
  smoke tobacco 0.59   That included drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco or using illegal drugs.
  raise tobacco 0.53   Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco.
  say tobacco 0.53   He said some tobacco and coffee crops were damaged, but he had no details.
  chewing tobacco 0.39   As you open it, you smell Tic-Tacs, Old Spice and chewing tobacco.
  contain tobacco 0.39   Also, bidis are smaller than regular cigarettes and contain less tobacco.
  include tobacco 0.39   Why is tobacco included?
  produce tobacco 0.39   Now tobacco is being produced abroad by workers who are paid far less.
  purchase tobacco 0.39   Unlike marijuana or other traditional contraband, tobacco can be purchased legally.
  quit tobacco 0.39   There have been rough days since he quit tobacco.
  burn tobacco 0.33   The glycerine thus makes a smoke-like medium that can carry the tobacco flavors without burning the tobacco.
  control tobacco 0.33   There is no alternative to a global accord to control tobacco, she said.
  have tobacco 0.33   Marlboro made here is more likely to have our tobacco in it.
  import tobacco 0.33   Macedonia exported clothing to Malaysia, and imported Malaysian tobacco.
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