world title 59.58   I have no world title.
  division title 30.88   All those division titles.
  league title 24.23   It won the league title.
  heavyweight title 20.34   He owned the heavyweight title.
  season title 15.73   Both victories earned him the season title.
  year title 11.52   It was his first title this year.
  single title 7.83   This was his fourth singles title.
  tournament title 7.83   Three Hockey East tournament titles.
  career title 7.77   He has five career titles.
  conference title 7.18   Goodbye conference title.
  team title 6.98   Kenya easily took the team title.
  championship title 6.25   It was her second world championship title.
  money title 5.99   I won the money title.
  job title 5.40   Their job title?
  double title 4.21   A doubles title is plausible.
  software title 3.95   Search by company, not by software title.
  time title 3.55   Borg also won the title six times.
  bantamweight title 3.36   McKinney knocks out Jones for bantamweight title By ED SCHUYLER JR.
  land title 3.36   He said the land titles were in his office.
  slalom title 3.29   He already won the slalom title.
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