brain tissue 11.52   What makes young brain tissue so dynamic?
  muscle tissue 4.81   As we age we lose muscle tissue.
  body tissue 4.21   Victims bleed but rarely lose body tissue.
  breast tissue 3.55   Everyone has skin and some amount of breast tissue.
  lung tissue 3.16   But there is no cure, and nothing restores lost lung tissue.
  heart tissue 1.97   The cells would home in on damaged heart tissue, and repair it.
  nerve tissue 1.65   The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
  replacement tissue 1.25   The method could eventually be used to create replacement body tissue.
  bathroom tissue 0.99   Two years ago, Quilted Northern introduced Wet N Dry, a bathroom tissue not just for the bathroom.
  bone tissue 0.99   At the same time, Fosamax deposits calcium into bone tissue.
  skin tissue 0.86   Vitamin A - strengthens and protects the skin tissue.
  donor tissue 0.72   The investigation has not demonstrated exactly when or where the donor tissues were infected, he said.
  plant tissue 0.72   There is no chemical that will kill canker in plant tissue.
  lymph tissue 0.59   Endothelial cells line veins, arteries and lymph tissue.
  eye tissue 0.46   What if nitric oxide, he wondered, also was toxic to eye tissue?
  gum tissue 0.46   Carbon dioxide lasers cut away gum tissue.
  pig tissue 0.46   But pig tissue has its own drawbacks because some scientists worry that pig viruses can be transferred to people.
  tumor tissue 0.46   Brain tissue and tumor tissue spilled onto the floor.
  biopsy tissue 0.39   The material includes blood and urine samples, biopsy tissues and different kinds of imaging scans.
  cadaver tissue 0.39   One company that handles cadaver tissue admitted that human error could have introduced bacteria.
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