give_up thumb 3.03   One gave a thumbs up.
  break thumb 2.70   They always break their thumbs.
  twiddle thumb 2.50   Twiddle his thumbs?
  give thumb 1.78   Margaret gives a thumb down.
  injure thumb 1.65   Both injured their thumbs during spring training.
  turn thumb 1.65   Ebert turns his thumb down, too.
  suck thumb 1.51   One sucks his thumb.
  have thumb 0.86   Monkeys do have opposable thumbs.
  put thumb 0.79   Ape Escape demands that players put both thumbs to use.
  get_up thumb 0.66   But it gets a thumbs up from us.
  use thumb 0.66   Using her thumbs, Stroud begins to rub.
  hook thumb 0.59   He hooks his thumbs in his jeans pockets.
  raise thumb 0.59   I keep my thumb raised.
  rub thumb 0.53   They held hands under the table, and she rubbed his thumb.
  get thumb 0.46   No she got, she got her thumb in her mouth look.
  hurt thumb 0.46   After the Boston game, he hurt the thumb on his shooting hand.
  sprain thumb 0.46   His thumb is sprained.
  cut thumb 0.39   I accidentally cut my thumb.
  dislocate thumb 0.39   Another called to ask for rescue because he had dislocated his thumb.
  get_down thumb 0.39   Her performance got the thumbs down from the critics.
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